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Question 1:

     How do I know which style to get?

One way to tell if the Standard Style will work with your bullet and gun combination is to measure the distance from the back of the bullet, while it is seated in the rifling, to the face of the breach of the gun. Here is how to measure:

  1. With the breach block down drop a bullet into the barrel.
  2. Use a small ruler, narrow measuring tape, or caliper and measure from the back of the bullet to the face of the breach.
  3. If the measurement is more than 1 1/2" the you will need to use the Long Style or risk not being able to grip the tube well enough to remove it after the bullet is inserted.

Or you can purchase a Sample Pack and try them both to see which one works better for your gun and bullet.

Question 2:

     What size bullet will work with the Shell & Tube Cartridge?

The Shell can hold between .53 to .56 caliber bullets well. If your bullet is smaller the Shell might have a problem holding the bullet tight enough. If the bullet is larger it will be difficult to insert into the Shell.

Question 3:

     Can I use filler with the Shell & Tube Cartridge?

Yes, filler can be used with the Shell & Tube cartridge, but the extra space in the Tube needs to be taken up to prevent mixing. The best results for doing this is using small pieces of aluminum foil packed into the bottom of the tube until the powder charge and the filler come right up to the top the Tube.

Question 4:

     Are the Shell & Tube Cartridges approved by the N-SSA for competition?

The N-SSA have no policies pertaining to what types of cartridges or loading ads can be used in competition. Only guns and powder have to be approved.

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